Frank Schwab

I help navigate digital transformation

8 Views on Bitcoin & Bitcoin ETFs

Explore Bitcoin's global integration, investment accessibility, cost dynamics, ownership principles, geopolitical significance, inflation resistance, custodial practices, and the complexities influencing its performance in light of Bitcoin ETFs.

1️⃣ A New Era of Global Financial Integration Unfolds

By now, Bitcoin has established its presence in the world's most influential financial hubs, gaining recognition even from global banks and asset managers who were once critical.

2️⃣ Breaking Down Investment Barriers

The introduction of Bitcoin spot ETFs has simplified access to Bitcoin for investors previously constrained by regulatory limitations. Investors of all kinds can now participate in buying and selling, similar to traditional stocks, through regulated platforms.

3️⃣ Navigating the Price Structure of Bitcoin ETFs

While Bitcoin ETFs offer a convenient way to invest, there are additional costs involved, such as bank/brokerage custody fees, transaction costs, and spreads. This cost structure differs from holding one's own bitcoins, which incurs no management or custody fees.

4️⃣ #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins: The Vital Principle of Bitcoin Ownership and Security

The narrative #NotYourKeysNotYourCoins emphasizes the importance of maintaining control over one's Bitcoin. Bitcoin's core principles include decentralization, transparency, and resistance to censorship and manipulation.

5️⃣ Bitcoin is More than Speculation

Bitcoin is positioned as more than just a speculative investment. It can be a valuable asset for people in countries with corrupt leaders, dictators, or fragile financial systems, offering a way to escape currency devaluation and exclusion from the traditional financial system.

6️⃣ Inflation Resistance

Bitcoin's predictable nature as a form of currency without inflation sets it apart from traditional fiat systems. This characteristic gains significance when considering the substantial interest payments made by countries like the USA on their debt.

7️⃣ The Need for Custodial Diversity

Most Bitcoin ETF providers utilize Coinbase as a custodian. Fidelity stands out as the only provider operating with "self custody." Large investors seek diversification, not only in investment products but also in custodial practices.

8️⃣ Unraveling the Complex Factors Behind Bitcoin's Underperformance

Despite substantial capital influx into Bitcoin ETFs, the expected positive impact on Bitcoin's price hasn't materialized as quickly as anticipated. Factors like GBTC sales, low short-term demand for ETF-BTCs, and resistance from traditional financial players contribute to this underperformance.

Published in bitcoin, crypto on 27.01.2024 17:46 Uhr. 0 commentsComment here

2021 - The year of the "Altcoins"

Not the first cryptocurrency/bitcoin hype. Current cryptocurrency hype is mainly driven by bitcoin. 2021 may become the year of the altcoins.

Not the first cryptocurrency/bitcoin hype

The current hype about Bitcoin is not the first. As early as June 2011, April 2013, December 2013 and for the last time in January 2018, Bitcoin, together with many other crypto currencies, also known as Altcoins, reached a worldwide sensation and highs. With a market share of 40% and a price of 20,000 US dollars, the market capitalization of Bitcoin was at its last high of 330 billion US dollars and that of all cryptocurrencies together was 831 billion US dollars.

Current cryptocurrency hype is mainly driven by bitcoin

Right now it's that time again. Bitcoin has been climbing old and new highs for days and weeks. The fifth hype. But compared to the last hype, this time it is mainly Bitcoin that has greatly increased its market capitalization. With a price of more than 30,000 US dollars, Bitcoin has a market capitalization of more than 580 billion US dollars and a market share of 70%. That means the current cryptocurrency hype is mainly driven by Bitcoin.

2021 may become the year of the altcoins

The overall market for altcoins currently does not even reach half of the highs of 2018. Nevertheless, the market volume has increased more than tenfold since then. And meanwhile there are also the first useful applications based on blockchain and its altcoins. So you can assume that 2021 will be the year of the altcoins. Altcoins such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Cardano, Uniswap, Looppring and Nano have already recorded strong growth in the last few days.

Despite all the hype: the cryptocurrency market is still very young, setbacks, price collapses and even total losses of individual altcoins are to be expected, as well as high volatility of Bitcoin itself.

Published in bitcoin, crypto,  cryptocurrency,  2021-The-year-of-the-Altcoins  on 05.01.2021 10:47 Uhr. 1 commentComment here

Stock-to-Flow Model (Bitcoin)

Looks like a pretty accurate prediction tool Next stop USD 100,000 for Bitcoin 

Published in bitcoin, crypto,  cryptocurrency,  , Stock-to-Flow-Model-(Bitcoin) on 03.01.2021 17:10 Uhr. 0 commentsComment here

8+2 quick cryptocurrency predictions for 2030

#1 Bitcoin is digital gold

#2 Blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, EOS and NEM set standards for programmable money, tokenization and the digitization of assets

#3 The digital yuan is leading the way and more central bank digital currencies are coming

#4 Ripple is an alternative to SWIFT with digital central bank money or XRP in its belly

#5 Litecoin is established as digital silver

#6 DASH occupies a niche in South America as a digital currency

#7 IOTA is the IoT platform for M2M payment transactions and data

#8 Facebook's Diem has a significant market share in global payments

#8+1 There are new tokens that are up more than 10,000 percent

#8+2 DeFi and other blockchain related concepts are established

See also on Slideshare:

Published in crypto, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, ethereum, iota, ripple, 8+2-quick-cryptocurrency-predictions-for-2030 on 02.01.2021 14:10 Uhr. 0 commentsComment here

Bitcoin - Gold of the Future

Should the Bitcoin actually develop into digital gold, then further, enormous increases in value are to be expected.It's not about Bitcoin replacing gold.But Bitcoin creates a new, additional asset class.And I therefore expect Bitcoin to establish itself as a digital asset in the wallets and portfolios of hundreds of millions of people in the not-too-distant future.

Since peaking at just under USD 20,000 on December 17, 2017, Bitcoin has lost a good two-thirds of its value. And according to Google Trends even more than 80% interest. In terms of Gartner terminology: the Bitcoin is currently in the Valley of Disappointment. More precisely, currently the fourth time, after June 2011, April 2013 and December 2013. 

Bitcoin vs gold : facts & figures

Read all here:

Published in crypto, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, Bitcoin-Goldof-the-Future on 05.06.2019 12:49 Uhr. 0 commentsComment here

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